Thank you for your interest in participating in
Eid Al Adha 2024 (1445 Hijri) at Downsview Park will host a wide range of bazaar vendors. Toys, Islamic Attire, Oud/Perfumes, Gift shop, and much more. We will also be hosting unique Henna Vendors throughout the event.
Bazaar Registration has now closed.
If you require assistance or have questions about the bazaar, please send us an email at
On Set-up day, kindly look for your business “name” at the bazaar area
For any inquiries please reach out to us at and a member of our team will be happy to assist.
All proceeds from Bazaar Vendor registration help to cover the cost of the event and ensure that event admission remains free for everyone.
MAC does not profit in any way from organizing this event. There are no discounts for last-minute registration.